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Originaltitel Spite Marriage
Filmtyp Långfilm
Kategori Spelfilm
Åldersgräns Barntillåten
Sverigepremiär 1929-11-14


Buster Keaton
Elmer Edgemont, kostympressare

Dorothy Sebastian
Trilby Drew, skådespelerska

Edward Earle
Lionel Benmore, skådespelare

Leila Hyams
Ethyle Norcrosse, Lionels fästmö

William Bechtel
Frederick Nussbaum

John Byron
Giovanni Scarzi

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Elmer Edgemont, a pants presser, has a crush on Trilby Drew, a stage actress. Dressed in finery borrowed from his customers, Elmer waits to glipse her along bridle paths and at public...

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Svensk premiärtitel


Övrig medarbetare


Buster Keaton Elmer Edgemont, kostympressare
Dorothy Sebastian Trilby Drew, skådespelerska
Edward Earle Lionel Benmore, skådespelare
Leila Hyams Ethyle Norcrosse, Lionels fästmö
William Bechtel Frederick Nussbaum
John Byron Giovanni Scarzi
Hank Mann teaterinspicienten
Pat Harmon kaptenen på båten


Produktionsbolag Joseph M. Schenck Productions
Distributör i Sverige (35 mm) Film AB Le Mat-Metro-Goldwyn 1929
Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet 1984
Övrigt bolag Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corporation (distributör i USA 1929)


Elmer Edgemont, a pants presser, has a crush on Trilby Drew, a stage actress. Dressed in finery borrowed from his customers, Elmer waits to glipse her along bridle paths and at public gatherings. He has seen all 35 performances of her latest play, a Civil War melodrama. In it Trilby plays a belle harboring a wounded Confederate lover, played by Lionel Benmore, who exclaims "A scratch is nothing to a Southern gentleman!" A nasty Yankee officer captures the rebel and threatens to kill him unless Trilby yields to the officer's desire. The first-act curtain falls just as one of the Yankee soldiers, unable to resist the swooned Trilby, steals a lecherous kiss. Elmer lives every moment of the play, to the distraction of those who sit next to him. Earlier, Trilby has ignored Elmer, for Lionel is her romantic interest. But she becomes vexed over Lionel's attentions to a pretty blonde, Ethyl, So Trilby shows Elmer some attention. Encouraged, he comes backstage before the next night's performance. He meets the actor who plays the lecherous soldier, a part he envies. Just then, police appear, looking for the actor. He tells Elmer to play his part, then dives out a window. Elmer puts on copious false whiskers, disguising himself. As he waits to go on, he accidentally pokes a hole with his rifle bayonet in a sandbag. When he gets onstage he turns the melodrama into a face, entering at the wrong time, crawling through backdrops and catching his feet in the scenery. At the big moment, just as he leans forward to kiss Trilby, the sand in the bag runs out, dropping a fly on his head. The audience loves it, but the manager and actors want to kill him. Before they find him, though, he has changed back into his borrowed evening clothes, and they don't recognize him. Meanwhile, Trilby has discovered that Lionel and Ethyl are going to be engaged. In an act of spite, she asks Elmer to marry her that night. He does. At the honeymoon suite, Trilby goes into a furious sulk, climaxed with a screaming fit that sends Elmer retreating into another room. The next evening, at a night club, the newlyweds sit near Lionel and Ethyl. Trilby gets drunk and creates a scene. Elmer patiently takes her home. She passes out, and he has a struggle getting her into bed. He finally succeeds and gently kisses her goodnight, whereupon the bed collapses. The next day, as Elmer playfully crawls into Trilby's room with a stuffed dog, he meets her attorney and Lionel. Trilby has left Elmer and wants a divorce. Outside, when Lionel bousts that Trilby loves only him, Elmer slugs him. Lionel shouts for the police, and Elmer runs, jumping into a cab already occupied by a fleeing robber. The cabbie falls out, and Elmer takes over, driving the cab off a pier at the crook's orders. A gang of rum-runners, the crook's accomplices, haul him aboard their boat. At night, Elmer escapes to a nearby yacht. He becomes a deckhand and is trying to varnish the mast next day when he looks down and sees Trilby and Lionel cuddling below. Horrified, he stays below deck. That night a fire breaks out in the boiler room, and Elmer, after being told to wait for an officers' meeting to finish, finally reports it. Everyone panics. Lionel, fearing for himself, throws Trilby aside, knocking her out. Elmer meanwhile puts out the fire by opening a porthole and letting water pour in. He then discovers that he and Trilby are the only passengers still onboard. Se he puts on the captain's abandoned cap, bails out the boiler room, and reefs the sails for a squall (with some difficulties). But when Trilby tries to hug him in gratitude, he coolly removes her arms. A boat appears. Elmer waves it over. But it is the rum-runners. Elmer has his captain's cap taken away. He tries to keep Trilby's presence a secret, but the cief rum-runner discovers her and tries to make her yield to his advances. Elmer goes into action, knocking out each rum-runner by trickery. But the leader comes to, and Elmer must fight him the full length of the ship - falling off the bow at one moment, floating back to a dinghy towed in the rear, then coming back aboard again. In a flurry of powerful blows, Elmer finally overcomes the man. Overwhelmed at his bravery, Trilby goes to Elmer. He defiantly replaces the captain's hat on his head, declaring, "A scratch is nothing to a Southern gentleman!" Then he passes out in her arms. Next day, to a cheering crowd, Elmer brings the yacht into port, towing the bound rum-runners in the dinghy. Elmer drops Trilby at her apartment building, but she stops him from leaving. "You're going to see a lot of me from now on," she says and takes him inside with her. Passing Lionel at the door, Elmer doffs his hat triumphantly.

Censur / granskning

Censurnummer 124627
Datum 1984-06-18
Åldersgräns Barntillåten
Originallängd 836 meter
Kommentar Censurerad under titeln Busters vilda fru. Aktlängder 16 mm: 367-469 = 836 meter.

Censurnummer 124627
Datum 1984-03-05
Åldersgräns Barntillåten
Originallängd 2090 meter
Kommentar Censurerad under titeln Busters vilda fru. Aktlängder 16 mm: 367-469 = 836 meter.

Censurnummer 43042
Datum 1929-07
Åldersgräns Tillåten från 15 år
Originallängd 2189 meter
Kommentar Visningskopiorna hade en längd av 2163 meter.

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1,37:1
Ljudtyp Stum
Färgtyp Svartvit
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 24
Längd i meter 2148 meter
Längd i minuter 78 min
Akter 9 rullar


USA (vintern) 1928 1929


Urpremiär 1929-04-06 USA
Sverigepremiär 1929-11-14 Piccadilly Stockholm Sverige (ljudversion med titeln "Bleka grevens bröllop")
Annan visning 1984-08-31 Filmstaden 6 Stockholm Sverige 76 min (ljudversion med titeln "Busters vilda fru" - nypremiär)
Cinemateksvisning, arkivkopia 1993-12-27
FIAF-visning 2008-12-23
Cinemateksvisning, arkivkopia 2012-11-25
FIAF-visning 2019-04-12
Filmhusetvisning 2021-11-23 OBS! Endast akt 1. För workshop om syning och projektion. Lämnas kvar i maskinrummet efter visning för att användas som referens för framtagande av nya bildfönster 1,19:1 för projektorerna i Bio Victor.



Bestånd Film

Uppgifterna här avser filmmaterial i Svenska Filminstitutets arkiv. Arkivets bestånd tillgängliggörs på begäran främst för forskning, andra filmarkiv och rättighetsinnehavare. Vid frågor kontakta

Typ Kopia
Materialbas Acetat
Bärare 16 mm

Typ Kopia
Materialbas Acetat
Bärare 35 mm
Längd i meter 2066

Typ Kopia
Materialbas Acetat
Bärare 35 mm

Typ Duplikatnegativ
Bärare 16 mm

Typ Tonnegativ
Bärare 16 mm

Bestånd Affischer

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Storlek Cirka 60 x 80 cm
Antal exemplar 2

Bestånd Manuskript

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Typ Cutting continuity

Typ Dialoglista
Språk Engelska

Bestånd Stillbild

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Svartvitt papper SET
Album Nej


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