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Originaltitel The Ama Girls
Filmtyp Kortfilm
Kategori Dokumentär
Åldersgräns Barntillåten
Sverigepremiär 1960-03-21


A typical day in the life of a family of fisher-folk usually begins with the first rays of the morning sun, for advantage is taken of every hour of daylite. The mother prepares breakfast over...

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Svensk premiärtitel



Produktionsbolag Walt Disney Productions
Copyright Walt Disney Productions 1958-06-17 MP8699
Distributör i Sverige (35 mm) Cawall Film AB 1960


A typical day in the life of a family of fisher-folk usually begins with the first rays of the morning sun, for advantage is taken of every hour of daylite. The mother prepares breakfast over an open fire in the kitchen while the rest of the family get dressed. The father skippers a fishing vessel and the elder daughter is an Ama, or diving girl. After breakfast father and daughter leave for the harbor and beach. Teamwork and cooperation is the key to success in fishing villages. The Ama girls are concerned with a different kind of marine crop - a variety of seaweed called "Heavens Grass". These girls who have superior stamina and exceptional physique, take to the sea early in life and by the age of 15 are experienced divers. Caring for the catch is a community responsibility and everyone answers the call to help when the sardine fleet returns at the end of the day. When the catch has been packed and shipped, boats lie at rest in the harbor. Evening brings relaxation and rest to these hard-working people who have so richly earned it. Tomorrow, the struggle begins again, the struggle to wrest a living from the sea that has always been the life-giving garden of Japan.

Censur / granskning

Censurnummer 94864
Datum 1959-10-28
Åldersgräns Barntillåten
Originallängd 790 meter
Kommentar Aktlängder: 535, 255.

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 2.35:1 (CinemaScope)
Ljudtyp Ljud
Ljudsystem RCA Sound System
Färgtyp Färg
Färgsystem Technicolor
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 24
Längd i meter 790 meter
Längd i minuter 29 min


Sverigepremiär 1960-03-21 China Stockholm Sverige 29 min (förfilm till "Den vita vildmarken"/"White Wildernes")



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