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Basic facts

Original title Paris 1900
Film type Feature
Category Documentary
Production country
Production company
Swedish release 1960-08-11

Plot summary

A Great Wheel. Windmills on Montmartre (192). Ext. of Moulin Rouge, with motor and horse-drawn traffic passing (202). Paris street scenes, with motor and horse-drawn vehicles (216)....

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Original title
Swedish release title


Production Manager
Film Editor
Production Mixer
Assistant Director
Assistant Film Editor


- Medverkande från arkivfilmer:
Gustav Eiffel
Armand Fallières
Louis Lépine
Marcelle Praince
Gabrielle Dorléac
Jeanne Marnac
André Coupire
Emmeline Pankhurst
Marcel Prévost
Maurice Donnay
Henry Bataille
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen
Georges Goursat (as Sem)
Élodie La Villette
Jean-Louis Forain
Caroline Otero
Cléo de Mérode
Henry Gauthier-Villars (as Willy)
William F. Cody (as Buffalo Bill)
Max Linder
Georges Carpentier
Henry de La Vaulx (as Henry comte de La Vaulx)
Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart (as Duchesse d'Uzès)
Monseigneur Gibier
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Félix Mayol
Éloi Ouvrard
Maurice Chevalier
Félix Galipaux
Charles Pathé
Ferdinand Zecca
Sarah Bernhardt
Édmond Rostand
Georges Courteline
Lucien Guitry
Firmin Gémier
Abel Duval
André Brulé
Yvonne de Bray
Gabrielle Robinne
René Alexandre
Armande Cassive
Régina Badet
Cécile Sorel
Édouard de Max
Paul Mounet
Julia Bartet
Berthe Bovy
Camille Saint-Saëns
Nellie Melba
Enrico Caruso
Gustave Charpentier
Pierre Bonnard
Auguste Rodin
Auguste Renoir
Claude Monet
André Gide
Paul Valéry
Camille Flammarion
Louis Blériot
Alfons XIII kung av Spanien
Edvard VII kung av Storbritannien
Wilhelm II kejsare av Tyskland och kung av Preussen
Vilhelmina drottning av Nederländerna
Andrew Carnegie
Jean Jaurès
Théophile Delcassé
Aristide Briand
Marcel Cachin
Léon Blum
Pierre Veber
Charles Maurras
Paul de Cassagnac
Léon Daudet
Jules Bonnot
Joseph Dubois
Lëv Tolstoj
Paul Déroulède
Maurice Barrès
Georg V kung av Storbritannien
Mary drottning av Storbritannien
Nikolaj II tsar av Ryssland
Aleksandr Izvolskij


Plot summary

A Great Wheel. Windmills on Montmartre (192). Ext. of Moulin Rouge, with motor and horse-drawn traffic passing (202). Paris street scenes, with motor and horse-drawn vehicles (216). Madeleine-Bastille motor bus. L.S. boulevard with traffic. Square with large statue, traffic etc. (251). Flower sellers, vegetable stalls, at ?Les Halles (320). In a Montmartre street, a number of girls are seen at the open windows of the houses (326). Extract from a Pathé trick film: two policemen pursue two miscreants, who lure them into a building then steal their bicycles. When one policeman catches up with a thief, he is thrown in the air and lands on his fellow policeman (414). Girls at the windows in the Montmartre street (424). View up the Seine towards the Île de la Cité, bateau mouche at the Pont de Louvre. Eiffel Tower from Place de la Concorde (479). Plans of the Tower (492). M.C.U. Monsieur Eiffel, wearing a trilby, talking outside a shop (497). Shots of the Tower from beneath (515). Covers of music sheets relating to the Tower (536). M.C.U. Eiffel, laughing (543). Banquet in progress in the Tower (581). Buildings flanking the Seine seen from moving boat (600). Revolving model of President Fallières (621). Fallières: doffing his hat while standing in the back of a car (628), walking from a building accompanied by several men in top hats and entering a carriage (633); receiving flowers (637); at a shoot in a forest (644); walking with five other men wearing bowlers and straw hats; Fallières motions towards the camera (651); descending steps in company with several men in top hats and entering a carriage with a foreign dignity who wears a white plumed helmet (657). In Tunisia, Fallières is seen wearing a pith helmet, greeting a chieftain. Fallières riding on a miniature railway (682). Opening of a Métro station, 1900, by Louis Lépine. Trains arriving in station, views of Paris from moving train (752). Art Nouveau decor seen on ironwork of Métro exit and round the porch of a building; Art Nouveau furnishings, statuette (817). Extract from fiction film showing woman receiving guests in her salon, women dressed in hobble skirts (877). Hat fashions, hairstyles, woman demonstrating use of hat pin (936). Extract from Pathé trick film: a woman takes jewellery from a box, faces appear in the centre of the gems (970). Marcelle Prince examines a dress in the mirror, watched by two women (980). Gabrielle Dorléac wearing a fashion dress (994). Jeanne Marnac and André Coupire (1001). Models display latest creations to a customer, and on a stage (1040). Cartoon sketches of the various couturiers. Revolving model of a woman (1066). Woman skating towards camera on frozen stretch of water (1082). Women playing hockey (1092) and flapping balloons at a fête (1112). A woman wearing trousers poses on a bench, pretends to tie shoelace (1124). Woman tram driver climbs into her cab; view from inside tram (1137). Woman getting onto driver's seat of horse-drawn cab, watched by two smiling men (1158). Two women wearing 'Woman's Suffrage' bands, one beating a drum (1169). Mrs. Pankhurst stands beside a motor car talking to two women, apparently on a visit to Paris (1177). Woman at a garden party (1205). Two women handing out pamphlets from the back of a car - a placard behind them reads "Give the women of Pennsylvania a square deal" (1218). Revolving model with corset. Two women display looser fitting fashions (1258). Marcel Prévost, with top hat and cane, is seen sitting in a chair, looking at his watch and facing the camera (1269). Photo of Paul Bourget (1278). Maurice Donnay in bowler hat, accompanied by a woman, smiles at the camera (1286). Photo of Georges de Porto-Riche (1294). Henry Bataille is seen by a doorway, in closer shot seated, playing with his dog, and seated outdoors painting at an easel (1333). Théophile Alexandre Steinlen painting a nude (1338). Sem (Georges Goursat), notebook in hand, standing on a balcony (1348). A caricature (1352). Three men exchanging papers: Élodie La Villette, Forain (1367). Portrait of an artist (1385). The writer ?Raynouard sitting at a table, drinking and talking (1409). Two women conversing. Photos of Marcelle Lambert and others (1450). Caroline Otero performing a Spanish dance (1484). Portrait of Cléo de Mérode (1489). Merode dancing on stage at the 1900 Exposition (1519). Fashion eccentricities: jewelled shoes, stockings, garters (1541). "L'amour": a statue, silhouette of embrace, woman with fan, model (1597). Love scenes from fiction films: masked man climbing up to balcony, woman opening love letter, man with flowers, two men duelling with swords, watched by spectators, woman rejecting tearful suitor (1729). Photo of Willy, husband of Colette (1735). Colette seen in garden stroking two cats (1745). Extract from comedy sketch in which lover pretends to be doctor on return of husband (1823). Extract from comedy in which couple dismount from cycles in country lane and disappear into the bushes (1855). Extract from film in which woman under hypnosis describes a nightmare in which a young man shoots himself by her bed (1893). Extract from LE BRAHMAN ET LE PAPILLON [Méliès, 1906] (1936). Further extract from film featuring woman and hypnotist (1973). Sequence from a film in which a man has his sleeping wife photographed (1995). Print of salon gathering (2003). r.2 Preparations for carnival: a fairground, with giant rocking turtle (6). Midinettes in the Place Vendôme. Women chatting. Men handing out potted plants to the crowds, from wagons (43). Carnival queen Marie Poirier, escorted by the Mayor and councillors, parades to her carriage and climbs on top of a large flower-bedecked float, from which, once in motion, she waves to the crowds (117). Fallières waving from back of car (122). H.A.S. of fairground at Montmartre. Dragon exhibit. People crossing moving cakewalk. Oriental pavilion (146). Conjuror in Japanese dress fanning paper butterflies (205). Parade of elephants in street heralds Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (219). CU Cody (221). Elephants (225). Cody doffs hat (231). Outdoor concert at the Jardin des Plantes. People promenading (252). Interior of hothouse, with visitors (280). Man sketching from one of the towers of Notre Dame (290). Boys washing in the Seine (298). Passengers board boat on Seine, and wave as it moves off (319). Bastille Day celebrations: crowds, one-man band playing, dancers in street (355). Women eating in the street (365). Deserted Paris streets on 15th August, man washing horses, a drinking fountain (385). Cab draws up outside street cafe (394). Men entering and leaving a street urinal (449). Passengers boarding train, people strolling through gardens, man swinging pocket watch, drinks served, train arriving at station, passengers disembark (559). Seaside holidayscenes: people paddling in sea, children playing with sand, row of changing tents pitched on pebbles, bathing cabin on wheels. Bench with cliffs in the background, bathers, children playing (705). Men and women turning a windlass (728). Extract from a Max Linder comedy, showing Max gesticulating to the negro attendant in a Turkish bath (740). A crowded salon (747). Photographs of noted literary personalities: Louys, Wilde etc. (785). Scenes in the Bois de Boulogne: women in latest fashions, leaving the Exposition Canine, woman fishing in lake (813). Madeleine ?Roque smiling by lakeside (819). Two men (one is George Sylvain?) strolling towards camera (823). Miniature railway in the Bois de Boulogne (835). Women wearing latest fashions, women gathered round a stall, procession of flower bedecked horse-drawn and motor floats and cycles (866). The racing season begins: racegoers arriving by horse-drawn coach at Longchamps(?), promenading in front of stands. Race in progress (913). Cross country runners leaving the start. Winner Jean Bouet seen in CU towelling his head (928). Georges Carpentier, wearing a polo neck sweater, laughs at camera, then seen in suit talking to friends in street (948). Crowd at France v. England football international; the match in progress, French team posing for camera (961). Champion cyclist ?Rivierre posing with bicycle (974). Motor racing: cars in pits, pushed out to the start, race in progress (one of drivers is ?Dietrich)(1010). Balloon racing: L.S. of balloons, M.S. balloons and baskets lined up, balloonists preparing (1023). Comte de la Vaulx makes speech from basket of balloon (1039). The Duchesse d'Uzes descends some steps and enters a carriage (1051). Monseigneur Gibier, French Cardinal and racegoer, studies the card at a horse-race (1061). Gabriele D'Annunzio with his greyhounds (1080). Priest blessing hounds outside château before a hunt (1095), huntsmen and hounds cantering through forest (1117). Woman firing shotgun (1123). Hounds running by lakeside (1129). The Duchesse d'Uzes leaves her house and gets into a motor car (1163). Cars bringing guests to a wedding. Guests milling, bride and groom posing for photographs (1251). Ext. shot of the Gare de Lyon (1258). The Promenade des Anglais at Nice. The Battle of the Flowers, decorated floats etc (1289). Women picking grapes in vineyard (1302). In Paris, members of the Académie Française leave the Académie building after a meeting, in heavy rain (1348). 1910: The Seine floods: waters lapping the statue of the Zouave at the Pont d'Alma; submerged streets; pan shot from flooded right bank of Seine across to Eiffel Tower; view along flooded street towards Place de la Bastille, people walking on raised platforms in middle of street; various shots of rowing boats in flooded streets, flooded shops, man carrying woman across street; two men punting; Gare St. Lazare, the flood limit. Rescuing a horse from a flooded channel (1535). r.3 Extract from Max Linder comedy: Max, dressed as coachman, arrives at a restaurant (20). Extract from fiction film: in a restaurant, a violinist plays to a female diner (73). Man and woman performing the new dance fashion 'The Aeroplane' (148). The female diner is courted by her male companion (180). Extract from fiction film: a female cellist and pianist on stage (198). Ext. of Moulin Rouge (202). A troupe of six women dancers (Pathé girls?) doing the Cakewalk. Joined by clowns and girls in pierrot costume similarly dancing, female in large decorated float which appears at back of stage (282). Acrobatic sister duo perform handstands in glass building, watched by a male (305). The Juliens, a family acrobatic turn, perform some of their routines (365). Music hall artistes: Mayol and Alice Bonheur in pierrot costume outside a Variety Theatre (373). Mayol throws a ball which is caught in his mouth by Ouvrard (filmed outdoors) (382). Mayol singing in a salon (402). Maurice Chevalier in a salon setting doing an imitation of Mayol, encouraged by Mistinguett who is seated near the camera (426). Extract from fiction film: Chevalier, dressed in doublet and hose, faints on reading a missive brought by the court messenger (448). Polin performing one of his stage sketches - 'L'Anatomie du Conscrit' (pc: Elge)(472). Montheus wearing a hat stands in front of a number of photos and shrugs his shoulders (480). Félix Galipaux laughing (491). Dranem speaking and shaking hands with President Fallières at the Maison des Artistes (504). Charles Pathé and Ferdinand Zecca chatting as they examine pieces of film (538). The interior of a cinema, looking towards the screen, patrons entering and seating themselves (553). On the screen appears a Pathé comedy, REVE A LA LUNE (560) of which a section is seen full screen: drunkard dances with giant bottles, climbs a lamppost, climbs up on to the roof of a house and is transported through space towards the Moon before falling back to Earth and waking in his bedroom (722). Gabrielle Réjane poses in fur coat (728-741). Sarah Bernhardt seen leaving a hotel? in America on the arm of a man, accompanied by a woman with lap-dog, and getting into a car (765). Bernhardt on her estate stands by a garden seat with a woman friend (787). Bernhardt in the death scene from CAMILLE [with her voice recording over] (808). Édmond Rostand, seated, talks to an unseen person (822). Georges Courteline at desk (830). Lucien Guitry removes wig and moustache, and is handed a brush by his dresser, with which he brushes his hair (868). Firmin Gémier standing beside a Théâtre Antoine poster, removing his hat. Traction engine and Théâtre National Ambulant Gémier marquee. Gémier posing in the roles of Julius Caesar and Shylock (905). Abel Duval? directs André Brulé and Yvonne de Bray? in a kissing scene from a Francis de Croisset play (935). Gabrielle Robinne arrives at the church for her wedding (944) to René Alexandre, who is seen CU (950). Armande Cassive poses in front of the Café Royal (956). Regina Badet smiling (968). La Polaire seen on set, puts jacket on a chair, fondles dog (992). Cécile Sorel accompanied by older man leaves doorway (995). Édouard de Max reciting in open air (1007). Mounet-Sully talking with friends (1020). Ext. of Comédie Française (1025). Mounet-Sully playing Oedipus [with voice recording over] (1068) and Hamlet graveyard scene (1085). Paul Mounet in Le Retour d'Ulysse (pc: Film d'Art, 1909) with Mme. Bartet as Penelope (Mounet's recorded voice over) (1132). Extract from "David et Goliath" with Berthe Bovy and René Alexandre (1165). Ext. of Paris Opera (1171). Saint-Saens leaves a building (1181). Nellie Melba receives a bouquet from a girl on steps of building (1189). Caruso laughing, pointing at camera, getting into car and driving away (1204). Gustave Charpentier seen CU (1210). Greek dance from LOUISE (1223). H.A.S. over exhibition gallery at the opening of the Salon des Artistes at the Grand Palais. CU some of the exhibits. Statue of Queen Victoria (1246). Fallières arrives at the Exhibition (1252). Portrait of Fallières by Bonnard (1260). Artist at work on portrait of ?George V (1270). Impressionist paintings (1293). Auguste Rodin on terrace of his home at Mendon. CU Rodin standing by pillar, L.S. Rodin walking on steps (1318). Pierre Auguste Renoir sits in chair before a canvas, a cigarette is lit for him, and a brush handed to him by a young boy (Jean Renoir?). He begins to paint (1365). Claude Monet painting by lakeside at Giverny. CU Monet working on a canvas (1416). An Impressionist painting (1423). Photo of Debussy. Photos of interpreters of Pélleas: Perier, Marie? Garvenne [voice recording heard over] (1474). Pedestrians strolling in a park (1519). André Gide walking in park at Buttes-Chaumont, lights cigarette. CU Gide (1537). Gide with Paul Valéry in Luxembourg Gardens (1561). Animated photographs of Apollinaire with another man (1576). Photo of Matisse (1589). A painting (1593). A large canvas being wheeled through the Paris streets: commentary mentions scandal caused by the Salon des Fauves (1602). Paintings (1615). PAN of Sacre Coeur (1626). Ext. shot of observatory at Juvisy, with telescope. Inside, Camille Flammarion adjusts the telescope, peers through the eyepiece (1666). Man on roof of the observatory with large telescope (1671). Paris awaits solar eclipse. People looking through darkened glass. Street lights in the Place de l'Opéra (1685). Partial solar eclipse (1692). 1912: A tailor, equipped with special clothing, poses on the ground before attempting to jump from the Eiffel Tower. M.L.S. standing on parapet of the first stage of the Tower, hesitating, then leaping. Seen from below plummeting to the ground, body carried away by police, indentation in ground measured (1785). Cliff top scene, waving crowds, on occasion of Blériot's Channel flight, 1909. Blériot standing by plane (1811). Blériot's triumphal procession in Paris: dense crowds, Blériot in car, leaving car, in procession of coach, followed by aeroplane (1848). Fallières watches flying display (1873). Peace conference poster (1889). Dignitaries leaving building include King Alfonso XIII of Spain and President Fallières (1899). Edward VII visits Kaiser Wilhelm: procession in Berlin (1931). Wilhelm II making beckoning gesture: carriage draws up and Edward alights (1945). Fallières and Queen Wilhelmina seen entering a state coach together, June 1912. Procession (1978). Fallières on a platform (1984). Andrew Carnegie in top hat, poses with two other men (1995). Fallières waves from back of carriage (2004). r.4 Ext. of Chambre des Deputés (13). M. ?Arthumières, of le GAULOIS, in top hat, walks towards camera (17). Jaurès walking with his right wing opponent Millerais; they pose for the camera (30). Delcassé leaves carriage and walks in company of several others (39). Briand lights a cigarette as he crosses a courtyard (46). CU Marcel Cachin wearing trilby and decoration (57). Léon Blum and Pierre Veber duelling with swords (72). Charles Maurras and Paul de Cassagnac duelling with swords (88). Léon Daudet duels with Pierre Mortier, and draws blood (96). CU M. ?Arthumières on phone (103). Crowd demonstrating (113). City councillors make a tour of the Paris slums. Filthy hovels, women hanging out washing, with two small children in background; starving dog; ragged children playing with skipping rope, women digging on waste ground, councillors leaving (171). Funeral procession: women following a horse-drawn hearse (202). Councillors examining siting of a new morgue (214). People being served with soup at a 'Soupe Populaire' hatch in 5 eme., and consuming it outdoors (230). Gendarme watches a queue of men by railings (235). Woman and child and several other poorly dressed people eating from bowls outdoors (243). At a charity function, two small girls receive donations on a tray from the well-dressed guests (259). Jean Ecart? making a speech (269). Demonstration with placards, red flags (285). At Chalons-sur-Marne an NCO is stripped of his rank in front of assembled regiment (c.20.11.1911)(328). Wreckage following terrorist bomb attack (342). Police holding back crowd at Sidney St. siege. Shots being fired from the besieged house (360). The siege of the garage occupied by Bonnot and Dubois at Choisy-le-Roi, April 28th 1912: a haywagon containing a dynamite charge is backed slowly towards the garage entrance and eventually detonated. The remains of the building in flames, crowd swarming round wreckage, police carrying crates down steps. L.S. bodies carried away through crowd (524). Armed guards escorting prisoners to ship for deportation; the prisoners go on board with their kitbags (591). Devil's Island? seen from boat, men on shore, ship out in bay (612). Pithead scenes at a coal mine (635). Interior of a factory (651). Women working in cotton mill, men stoking boilers (659). Workers and firemen fighting a fire at an industrial site: shovelling sand and hosing water onto a smoking heap (687). Workers begin to organise: demonstration with banners, workers having their cards stamped by union officials (709). Outside a building marked 'Pianos et Coffres Forts' a number of men unload furniture from a cart and hand? shutters up to people at the upstairs windows; several men perched on roof passing ?slates to one another, crowd in street (737). Soldiers on guard at railway location during a rail strike (748). Large crowd of mourners in funeral procession of striker killed during the rail strike (760). Mourners include Jaurès and Vailland? (774). Count Leo Tolstoi walking along a railway platform towards the camera (790). Crowd with banners at a pacifist demonstration (802). Patriotic demonstration of men wearing top hats (814). Déroulède speaking from platform (830). Prussian cavalry procession (833). Paul Déroulède, wearing fur hat, in a carriage (837). Prussian officers (845). Spectators watch artillery exercise (848). Déroulède in carriage; and, wearing top hat, addressing an umbrella-carrying crowd (874). Maurice Barrès addressing soldiers (892). One of the Michelin brothers stands talking in front of a Michelin wall poster (902). View from aeroplane flying over an airfield and hangar, on the roof of which the letters EXCELSIOR are visible (914). CU Turpin? talking (922). Explosion (930). Portrait of Krupp. Sailing ship at sea (947). A miniature cannon is fired from ?the Eiffel Tower (955). Fallières shooting gamebirds at Rambouillet (977). Kaiser Wilhelm II shooting stag, and inspecting the kill (988). Fallieres inspecting the day's bag, a pile of small birds (1000). Fallieres and Poincare together in carriage on occasion of Poincaré's installation as President, 1913. Cheering crowds, procession (1027). Fallières walking through a meadow with his aides (1044). Andrew Carnegie, wearing top hat, emerges from porch with two other men, to whom he gives directions; then seen walking in company with four men, also in top hats (1067). View of street from moving vehicle (1075). Trouble flares up in various countries: troops firing cannon in Portugal (1087). Line of Mexican peasants, dead body in cart, pall bearers at funeral (1098). Ruined buildings, troops of various nationalities marching (1130). Poincaré with officers in country (1145). Wilhelm II, in helmet, walks along path and poses on steps with army officers similarly attired (1176). Poincaré watches military review (1219). George V and Queen Mary leave the Élysée Palace with Poincaré, during state visit (1232). Poincaré visits Russia: he is seen walking on ship's gangplank with Viviani, then being driven in procession; he alights from the carriage at some steps leading up to a ?marquee (1258). March past of Russian troops (1266). Warships at sea; French colonial troops disembarking (1301). French colonial troops receive military training in France - seen in line in uniform (1318). Wilhelm II at military exercise, seen joking with officer wearing white armband (1327). German soldiers performing gymnastics (1344). L.S. parade in square, prior to assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1364). Wilhelm II inspecting troops (1400). In St. Petersburg, a pro-Serbian crowd demonstrates in front of the Imperial Palace (1427). L.S. Czar Nicholas on balcony (1436). Dignitaries posing, entering carriage (1458). Russian Ambassador Izvolsky seated with ?wife at table in garden of Paris hotel (1466). Sunset on Seine (1483). Dimming street lights (1492). Barges moored on Seine (1500). General mobilization poster (1507). News vendors distribute newspapers to crowds in Paris (1530). Marching troops, cavalry (1596). Belgian troops with dog carts (1606). British troops marching along street, trams passing (1620). A number of Russian peasants, one apparently drunk, walking along village street (1644). A crowd, among which Orthodox priests are visible, gathered beside a train (1659). Crowd at the Gare de l'Est, enlisted men in civilian uniform seen boarding train. The train draws slowly out, the men waving cheerfully from the windows (1782). "Fin", music (1833).

Technical specifications

Aspect ratio 1.37:1
Sound type Sound
Sound system Optical mono
Colour type Black and white
Carrier type 35 mm
Frames per second 24

Production location

France 1946 1946

Release dates

Festival showing 1947-09 Cannes France Cannes Film Festival
First showing 1948-02-25 Érmitage Paris France 90 min
1948-02-25 Le Français Paris France 90 min
1948-02-25 Les Images Paris France 90 min
Release in Sweden 1960-08-11 TV Sweden 86 min
Other showing 1995-04-20
Cinematheque screening 2019-05-11 Filmhuset Stockholm Sweden

Holdings Film

The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact

Element type Print
Carrier type 35 mm
Length 2260


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