Basic facts

Media (1)

Original title Du levande
Film type Feature
Category Fiction
Average rating 3,92 / 5
Production country
Production company
Classification Allowed from age 7
Swedish release 2007-09-21


Jörgen Nohall (as Jugge Nohall)

Jan Wikbladh

Björn Englund

Birgitta Persson
tubaspelarens fru

Lennart Eriksson
mannen på balkongen

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Plot summary

You, the living is about the human being, about her greatness and her miserableness, her joy and sorrow, her self-confidence and anxiety. A being at whom we want to laugh and also cry...

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Kajsa Hedström
+46 8 665 11 22


Original title
Swedish release title
International title
Co-production title
Distribution title


Director of Photography
Production Designer
Film Editor
Production Mixer
Production Manager
Assistant Director
Technical Advisor
Assistant Film Editor
Thanks to
Production Assistant
Production Accountant
Film Commissioner
Post Production Supervisor
First Assistant Cameraman
Color Timer
Negative Cutter
Digital Grading
Musical Arrangement
Set Decorator
Construction Coordinator
Sound Editor
Re-recording Mixer
Graphic Design
Legal Advisor
Other Crew
Production Coordinator
Lab Coordinator
Music Recording Supervisor
Costume Designer
Costume Assistant
Make-up Assistant



Plot summary

You, the living is about the human being, about her greatness and her miserableness, her joy and sorrow, her self-confidence and anxiety. A being at whom we want to laugh and also cry for. It is simply a tragic comedy or a comic tragedy about us.

Swedish censorship / rating

Censorship number 144512
Date 2007-08-02
Classification Allowed from age 7
Original length 2547 meters
Notes Aktindelning: 538-480-512-477-560 = 2547 m - 93 minuter. Aktlängder: 538, 480, 512, 477, 560.
Grounds for decision Inslag av man som spänns fast i en elektrisk stol och en man som faller ihop inför sina arbetskamrater.

Technical specifications

Aspect ratio 1.66:1
Sound system Dolby Stereo Spectral Recording Digital
Colour type Colour
Carrier type 35 mm
Length in metres 2547 meters
Length in minutes 93 min
Reels 5 reels

Production location

2005 2007
Studio 24 Stockholm Sweden
Filmhuset Stockholm Sweden

Release dates

Festival showing 2007-05-24 Cannes France (Cannes Film Festival/Un certain regard)
2007-06 Karlovy Vary Czech Republic
2007-08 Haugesund Norway
2007-09-07 Toronto, Ontario Canada (Toronto Film Festival)
Release in Sweden 2007-09-21 Sweden 93 min
Festival showing 2007-10 Chicago USA
2007-11 Sevilla Spain
DVD release 2008-04-09 Sweden
TV showing 2010-05-08 SVT2 Sweden 89 min
2013-08-29 SVT2 Sweden
Inställd visning 2022-01-16 Toronto Canada
Censurbeslut 2022-02-09 Montreal Canada 35-kopia via TIFF
Non Swedish theater exkl FIAF 2022-02-19 Vancouver Canada 35-kopia via TIFF
2022-02-27 Vancouver Canada 35-kopia via TIFF
Censurbeslut 2022-05-15 Toronto Canada
Non Swedish theater exkl FIAF 2023-12-08 London United Kingdom
2023-12-16 New York City USA
2023-12-30 New York City USA

Soundtrack listing

Original title Pulsation
Composer Benny Andersson

Original title Motorcykel
Composer Stockholm Classic Jazz Band
Lyrics Roy Andersson
Performed by Stockholm Classic Jazz Band

Original title Creole Song
Composer Edward Ory
Orchestra Papa Bues Viking Jazzband

Original title En liden vit kanin
Composer Sven Gustafson (1936)
Lyrics Sven Gustafson (1936)

Original title O alte Burschenherrlichkeit
Lyrics Eugen Höfling (tysk text 1825)
August Lindh (svensk text)
Sung by kör

Original title När solen lyser klart
Composer Gunnar Wernström
Lyrics Gösta Wernström

Original title Odnozvučno gremit kolokol'čik
Lyrics Lydia Lithell (svensk text 1947 - "Jag har hört ...")

Original title She's No Trouble
Composer Bennie Moten
Thamon Hayes
Orchestra Papa Bues Viking Jazzband


Prize Helsinki 2008 Pernilla Sandström
The Nordic Council Film Prize Helsinki 2008
Prize Helsinki 2008 Roy Andersson Nordiska Rådets filmpris.
Nominated for the Guldbagge Award Stockholm 2008 Best Cinematography Gustav Danielsson
The Guldbagge Award Stockholm 2008 Best Screenplay Roy Andersson
Stockholm 2008 Best Director Roy Andersson
Stockholm 2008 Best Picture
Festival Award Fantasporto 2008 Roy Andersson (pris till bästa regissör/best director award vid filmfestivalen i Fantasporto, Portugal)
Haugesund 2007 (kritikerpriset/film critic’s award vid The Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund, Norge)
Haugesund 2007 (Andreas Award, The Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund, Norge)
Mamaia 2007 (kritikerpriset/critic's prize, Independent Producers International Film Festival, Mamaia, Rumänien
Neuchatel 2007 (Titra Award, Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Schweiz)
Neuchatel 2007 (H.R. Giger Award “Narcisse” for Best Movie Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Schweiz)
Quend-Plage 2007 (Amphore d'or, Festival de Quend, Quend-Plage, Frankrike)
Sevilla 2007 (juryns specialpris/special jury award, Seville Film Festival, Spanien
Antalya 2007 (juryns specialpris/special jury award, International Eurasia Film Festival, Antalya, Turkiet
Ghent 2007 Robert Hefter (Georges Delerue Award for bästa musik/best music, Flanders International Film Festival, Ghent, Belgien)
Silver Hugo Chicago 2007 Roy Andersson (Silver Hugo for Direction, Chicago International Film Festival, USA)

Holdings Film

The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact

Element type Print
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm
Length 2541

Element type Print
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm
Length 2554

Element type Print
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm

Element type Print
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm

Element type Print
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm

Element type Duplicate positive
Item base Polyester
Carrier type 35 mm
Length 2547

Holdings Posters

Size About 70 x 100 cm
Quantity 2

Holdings Scripts

Script type Dialoglista
Script title Dialoglista. 23/4 -2007.
Extent 37 s. + 2 s. eftertext samt musiklista endast i digital form..
Language Swedish

Script type Synopsis
Script title You the living
Extent 1 s.
Language English

Script type Dialoglista
Script title Du levande. Engelsk text.
Extent 37 s.
Language English

Script type Dialoglista
Script title You, the living. By Roy Andersson.
Extent 62 s.
Language English

Holdings Stills

Black and white print 16
Colour prints No
Behind the scenes prints No
Slides No
Digital images Yes

Holdings Promotion materials

Type Program/Reklamtryck
Language Multiple languages

Type Program/Reklamtryck
Language English

Type Program/Reklamtryck
Language French

Other manifestations of this work


Technical specifications

Aspect ratio 1.66:1
Sound type Sound
Colour type Colour
Frames per second 24
Length in minutes 93 min

Holdings Film

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type WAV

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type WAV

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type DCP

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type MAP

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type MAP

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type H264


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